Das Frontscheiben-Reparaturtraining richtet sich an Personen, die lernen möchten, Risse richtig und effektiv zu beseitigen. Risse an Windschutzscheiben von Fahrzeugen sind sehr häufig, weshalb die Fähigkeit, solche Schäden zu reparieren, so wertvoll ist.
Especially that the cracks increase with the use of the car, which may result in the destruction of the expensive windshield or the loss of the registration certificate. Completing our training will make you start making aesthetic repairs that meet customer requirements. In the theoretical part of our one-day windshield repair training, you will learn how to recognize damage that should be removed.
The duration of the training is one day
You will learn more about the construction of the glass screen and the types of cracks that occur. Later in the course, we move on to the practical performance of the service under the supervision of a trainer. We will start with the proper preparation of the surface and marking its center. You learn to drill holes safely using specialized equipment. You will also learn how to attach the bridge and the way to imply injection with fluid. You will learn the secrets of working with pressure and under pressure, as well as methods of improving the flow of filling and finishing.
You will meet with parts of the repair kit.
At all stages of this training, the trainer provides practical knowledge resulting from the extensive experience of our detailing studio.
Our trainer is a practitioner, therefore he will teach you how to effectively illuminate the spatter with a UV lamp, which affects the durability of the repair. In addition, the training will end with grinding and polishing the fracture site, which will minimize the visibility of the repair. Choose a glued-glass repair training course to effectively remove cracks and chips that spoil the aesthetics and safe operation of vehicles!
See what the windshield repair training looks like
If you want to learn
The cost of this training - PLN 2,500